Sunday, November 16, 2014

Mystery-Quilt - Surprise Box - Part 1 and 2

Our guild startet a Mystery Quilt project called "Surprise Box", part 1 in October, part 2 now in November. I was really anxious to do this mystery quilt because I´ve been following the one from the Modern Quilt Guild in Minneapolis with great anticipation and was really amazed about the result:

So when I received part 1 from our Surprise Box project we had to cut squares out of 2 different fabrics, fabric 1 a background color, fabric 2 either patterend or multi-colored. As I´m always one not to keep in line, I chose 2 different fabrics for fabric 2 as I wanted to use men-shirts that I collected from friends and colleagues. The squares had to be sewn together and then cut up to reveice 96 of these squares:

It is fun to chain-sew squares and it was quickly done but also left the feeling: what now??

Already after the first part of the mystery quilt I realized that such a project is not for impatient people and it was quite a little bit tantalizing to wait for part 2.

Yesterday we got part 2 - we had to sew stripes out of fabric 1 and 2. As my fabric 2 was not 110cm wide I had to scrap them together which did not matter much because in the end I left out the squares with the seams. The next step is to cut 5,75cm rectangles...... 5,75? No problem with the small, squared ruler with the thin, black lines indicating 0,25 / 0,50 and 0,75 cm.
left overs

cut rectangles with ruler

Then we had to sew the rectangles together, again chain-sewing to get 96 squares like that.

Result of part 1 and 2:

Now it means waiting until mid´December which means it´s like waiting for Santa Claus.......

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